Saturday, August 6, 2016

5 Teori Proses Terbentuknya Tata Surya

5 Teori Proses Terbentuknya Tata Surya
Ada 5 teori tentang proses terbentuknya sistem tata surya yang disampaikan ilmuwan dan filsuf, yaitu : 

1. Teori Nebula (Kabut) 
Menurut Emanuel Kant, tata surya terbentukoleh gumpalan kabut atau nebula yang terdiri dai bermacam gas. Kabut tersebut berpilin kecil sehingga membentuk gumpalan gas yang mirip cakaram. Pusat cakram akan membentuk matahari dan gas-gas ditepi mengalami penurunan suhu menyusut membentuk planet-planet yang mengelilingi matahari. Sedangkan menurut Piere Simon de Laplace, tata surya berasal dari kabut panas berpilin, kabut tersebut selalu memunculkan panas di alam semesta yang dingin, kabut tersebut mengalami penyusutan dan membentuk bola gas. Pilinan semakin cepat, akhirnya terjadi pemepatan pada kedua kutubnya dan melebar di bagian ekuator menyerupai gelang-gelang karena penumpukan gas. Pilinan bola gas semakin cepat dan bagian ekuator makin menjauh dari bola gas, kemudian membentuk bola-bola gas yang kecil menjadi planet dan mengelilingi bola gas awal sebagai matahari. 

2. Teori Planetasimal 
Menurut Chamberlin dan Moulton, teori tata surya berasal dari gumpalan kabut yang berbentuk spiral atau pilin. Dalam pilinan tersebut mengandung material padat yang disebut Planetasimal yang mempunyai orbit bebas dan saling bertabrakan. Gravitasi membuat gumpalan yang besar dan lebih pampat. Gumpalan di tengah akan membentuk matahari, adapun gumpalan kecil menjadi planet yang secara bersama-sama mengelilingi matahari. 

3. Teori Pasang Surut 
Menurut Buffon, tata surya berasal dari dari materi Matahari yang terlempar karena bertabrakan dengan komet. Teori ini diperbaiki oleh Jeans dan Jeffreys, tata surya terbentuk oleh efek pasang surut gas matahari. Efek gravitasinya menyebabkan sebuah bintang besar melintasi matahari. Gas panas tersebut kemudia terlepas dari matahari dan mulai mengelilingi matahari. Gas tersebut mendingin dan membentuk bola-bola planet. 

4. Teori Awan Debu (Proto Planet) 
Dikemukakan oleh Carl von Weizsaecker, kemudian disempurnakan oleh Gerard P. Kuiper bahwa tata surya terbentuk dari gumpalan awan gas dan debu yang sangat banyak. Salah satu gumpalan mengalami pemampatan dan menarik partikel debu membentuk gumpalan bola. Akhirnya terjadi pilinan, kemudian gumpalan bola tersebut membentuk cakram. Bagian tengah membentuk matahari karena ada tekanan dari bagian tepinya. Partikel pada bagian tepi pun berpilin cepat, gumpalan terpecah menjadi gumpalan awan, gas, dan debu yang terpecah  menjadi gumpalan kecil. Gumpalan itu membeku dan menjadi planet dan stelitnya. Bahan-bahan planet itu disebut protoplanet. 

5. Teori Bintng Kembar 
Menurut R.A Lyttleton galaksi kita berisi banyak berisi kombinasi bintang kembar. Matahari pun memiliki kembaran yang kemudian meledak menjadi unsur-unsur gas dan terperangkap gaya Gravitasi, dan mendingin membentuk planet dan satelitnya yang mengelilinginya dan membentuk tata surya.

Demikian tentang 5 teori terbentuknya tata surya. Mungkin teori terbentuknya tata surya masih banyak lagi yang dikemukakan para ilmuwan. Mengenai benar atau tidaknya sebuah teori adalah rahasia Allah, manusia hanya bisa berusaha.

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Tugas Language Testing Test of Grammar

Tugas Language Testing Test of Grammar
Spirit of the Unicorn
Once upon a time, a long time ago, in a far away place, there was a special kind of animal. This animal lived in a beautiful forest. It was like a spirit. The animal was called a unicorn and it had special magical power.
The creator gave the unicorn the special magical power to help it give confidence to young children. The unicorn was able to make their dreams come true. The unicorn gave the children confidence and hope. It could give them the magic of youth and the confidence to reach for their dreams, goals, and beliefs. He could do this because the children were pure like little angels that come from the heavens.
One day a young girl named Dalsie was walking in the forest. She saw a beautiful unicorn standing in a pond with flowers surrounding him. His long mane was orange like the sunset. He had a blue shiny coat like the blue sky.
Dalsie talked to the unicorn and the unicorn spoke to her. It gave her the confidence that she could succeed in life. The unicorn promised that he would watch over her. He told her to close her eyes. When Dalsie opened her eyes, the unicorn vanished into the forest. All around the forest there were butterflies of all colors.
It was getting dark and Dalsie had to leave and go home. Many years later when Dalsie had grown up, she remembered that day. The promise the unicorn had made to her really had come true.

Test of tenses
      1.      Once upon time,  a special animal .......... in a beautiful forest.
A.   live                        C. living
B.    lives           D. Lived
      2.      Unicorn ..........  special magic power.
A.    have           C. having                    
B.     has             D. had

Test of adverb
      1.      Unicorn’s long hair  looked  like  to sunset.
         A                                 B       C      D

      2.      One day, Delsie saw a beautiful unicorn stand in a pond.
                 A                     B                                    C     D  

Test of article
1.      A long time ago, a special animal live in ..... beautiful forest.
2.      The unicorn’s coat looked like ..... blue sky.

Test of past tense
1.      The unicorn vanished, when Delsie .......... (open) the eyes.
2.      When Delsie was walking in the forest, she ...... (see) a beautuiful unicorn.

Test of
      1.      He could do this because the children were pure like little angels that come from the heavens.
Begin with :
Because the children ..............................
Test of direct speech
       2.      The unicorn promised that he would watch over her.
Begin with :
The unicorn promish : “I ...........................

      1.      Dalsie was walking in the .......................... and saw a beautiful unicorn.
When Dalsie ........................ her eyes, the unicorn vanished into the forest

Thursday, July 28, 2016


·     Apa itu informasi tersirat?
Informasi tersirat dalam teks adalah informasi yang diperoleh sebagai hasil kesimpulan pembaca berdasarkan clue-clue dalam teks seperti kata, bilangan, ungkapan, kalimat, dan lain-lain. ·     Bagaimana menemukan informasi tersirat dalam teks?
Misalkan ada sebuah pertanyaan: What is Mr. Aldi like? (Pak Aldi itu seperti apa orangnya?). Bila kita mencari jawaban soal ini dalam teks dan ternyata tidak ada jawabannya secara jelas, maka sebaiknya kita “mencurigai” pertanyaan itu menanyakan informasi tersirat dalam teks. Setelah itu barulah kita mencari clue-clue yang tepat dan berdasar clue-clue itu kita simpulkan informasi apa yang hendak disampaikan si penulis. Misalkan teks yang dibaca diantaranya memuat kalimat-kalimat yang kita “curigai” sebagai clue-clue sebagai berikut: “ This is Anggora ……… He always makes people laugh. People always wait for his program. ………………..” Kalimat pertama: This is Anggora, belum menjadi clue. Demikian juga kalimat: People always wait for his program. Tetapi berdasarkan kalimat: He always makes people laugh, kita dapat menyimpulkan bahwa Anggora itu lucu orangnya. Misal pertanyaan lengkap soal pertanyaan di atas sebagai berikut: What is Mr. Anggora like?A.   Kind
B.   Funny
C.   Serious
D.  Clever
Bila kita baca jawaban di atas jelas bahwa jawaban yang tepat untuk pertanyaan di atas adalah B·  Informasi tersirat apa saja yang ditanyakan dalam UN?
Selain aneka informasi berdasarkan clue-clue dalam teks, bisa juga yang ditanyakan tujuan komunikatif teks. Untuk mengetahui ini kita perlu memahami struktur teks dan bagaimana ide dalam teks itu diorganisir (langkah retorika). Misalkan bila teks itu ber struktur orientation, events dan diakhiri dengan comment, maka teks itu merupakan teks recount  dan tujuan komunikatifnya adalah to retell one’s past experience.
·     Apa itu informasi rinci tersurat?
Informasi rinci tersurat dalam teks adalah informasi yang tertera atau terdapat dalam teks tapi untuk mencarinya perlu membaca teks secara seksama. Biasanya informasi ini tercecer di sana sini dan kita harus mengumpulkannya. Ciri khas pertanyaan ini di antaranya memakai kata tanya why. Selain itu ada pula pendapat lain yang terkait dengan informasi jenis ini. Misalkan ada kalimat yang berbunyi semalam saya pergi ke Bogor. Informasi ke Bogor naik apa, dengan siapa dan mengunjugi siapa menjadi informasi rinci. ·     Bagaimana menemukan informasi rinci tersurat dalam teks?
Untuk menemukan informasi ini  tentu saja kita harus memahami pertanyaannya terlebih dahulu.Misal pertanyaan itu memakai kata tanya why, maka kita perlu membaca kalimat-kalimat dalam teks yang merupakan alasan dari pertanyaan tersebut yang tempatnya bisa jadi berada di kalimat lain atau paragraph lain. Misal:Why are native animals in danger of extinction? However, the greatest threat to native animals is posed by human beings. Although the hunting of some native animals by people is now illegal, as the population grows and residential areas increasingly take the place of bushland, natural food resources are destroyed. As a result, native animals are faced with extinction. ·  Informasi rinci tersurat apa saja yang ditanyakan dalam UN?
Untuk menghadapi UN nanti ada baiknya bila informasi jenis ini disikapi juga dengan menyiapkan informasi tertentu sebagai bagian dari jenis ini. informasi tertentu adalah informasi tentang apa, siapa, dimana dan bagaimana yang dapat dengan mudah ditemukan dalam teks.Misal:1.       How far is Kasuarina cape from Sorong town?
2.       What is the cape good for?
           Named after the big casuarina trees which grow in the area, Kasuarina cape is just two kilometers from Sorong town on the Bird’s Head peninsula of northern Papua. It is good for swimming and recreation.3.  MENENTUKAN ARTI KATA/FRASA/KALIMAT.
·  Apa itu arti kata?
Yaitu maksud yang terkandung di dalam suatu kata , atau kalimat.(Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia) Ciri khas pertanyaan arti kata ini sbb:a.   “It is weird”
What does the word “weird” in the sentence mean?b.   “It’s weird.”
The word “weird” means … .c.   “It’s weird.”
The word “weird” is similar in meaning to … . ·     Bagaimana menemukan arti kata dalam teks?
Kata dalam bahasa Inggris bisa mempunyai beberapa arti. Coba perhatikan contoh berikut dan tebak apa arti kata love pada masing-masing kalimat: a.   I love watching old movies on TV.
b.   Young children need unconditional love.c.   Music was his greatest love but he also liked ballet.d.   The score of the game was two love. Tentu saja arti kata love di atas berbeda-beda satu sama lain. Hal ini tergantung pada context dan cotex*) nya. Makna kata love pada kalimat terakhir pasti bukan cinta karena tidak cocok dengan baik konteks maupun cotextnya. Karena terkait dengan olah raga dan lebih khusus lagi terkait pada score olah raga bisa ditebak kalau arti kata love itu adalah kosong (zero) bukan sama apalagi cinta. Jadi untuk menentukan arti kata mana yang tepat sangat tergantung pada konteks dan cotextnya. ·     Arti kata apa saja yang ditanyakan dalam UN?
Suatu kata bisa memiliki arti konotasi dan denotasi. Terkait dengan arti kata ini dulu siswa sering dihadapkan pada pertanyaan tentang synonym dan antonym suatu kata. Untuk menghadapi UN nanti ada baiknya bila kita hanya memfokuskan pada arti dan synonym kata saja, seperti yang dicontohkan di atas. 4.  MENENTUKAN NILAI MORAL TEKS
·     Apa itu nilai moral teks?
Dalam bahasa Inggris ada teks yang memang dengan sengaja di tulis dengan tujuan untuk mengajarkan nilai-nilai moral terentu. Tes yang dimaksud adalah teks berbentuk narrative. Namun demikian perlu dipahami bahwa tidak semua teks narrative memuat pengajaran nilai moral. Ciri khas pertanyaan tentang nilai moral ini adalah diantaranya: a.   What is the moral value of the text?
b.   What moral value can you learn from the text?
c.   What do you learn from the text?
 ·        Bagaimana menentukan nilai moral suatu teks narrative?
Nilai moral suatu teks dapat dipahami dari kalimat-kalimat yang digunakan dalam teks dan biasanya kalimat itu menunjukkan perbuatan-perbuatan yang patut diteladani orang. Namun demikian bisa juga terjadi tidak menunjukkan secara langsung sehingga kita mesti menarik suatu kesimpulan nilai moral apa yang hendak disampaikan.           Read the text and answer the question.

One day, a man who made his living tricking people stopped a good woman on the road.
“Who are you?” asked the woman. “Where do you come from?”
“I fell from the sky?”  The man replied craftily.
“Oh really.” The woman’s face lit up. “Then maybe you have met my husband. He died last year.”
“Certainly I know him, but he is not doing very well. He hasn’t found a job yet and he hasn’t got enough food to eat or enough clothes to wear.”
“The poor man!” cried the woman. “If I give you some clothes, can you take them up to him?”
“No, I’m sorry but it’s forbidden to take clothes into paradise,” replied the man. “But I think I can manage to smuggle some money to him.  Nobody would find a little money bag hidden in a pocket.”
“Oh, thank you, then please take this. It’s all my savings,” The woman gave the man a little pile of money. She was so grateful to him for doing her such a kind service.
“Well, who would have thought”, she kept repeating, “that in paradise my husband would be lacking even the bare necessities.”

       What is the moral value that you can learn from the story?a.   Good people deserve good rewards.
b.  Tricky people often deceive the stupid ones.
c.   There is life that people have after their death.
   d.   Do not be a bad man for you can hurt people’s feeling.

Wawancara Peningkatan Mutu Pendidikan di Taman Kanak-Kanak

Wawancara Peningkatan Mutu Pendidikan di Taman Kanak-Kanak
Hasil Wawancara :
1.      Pewawancara : Bagaimana cara meningkatkan mutu pendidikan di TK Batik Perbaik?
Narasumber : Cara meningkatkan mutu pendidikan di TK ini yaitu dengan menambah kegiatan di sekolah atau kegiatan ekstra kurikuler seperti shalat di hari Jum’at, les tari, les Bahasa Inggris sehingga anak didik akan merasa  berminat dan lebih tertarik dengan kegiatan yang ada di sekolah karena ini semua dapat menjadi bekal mereka untuk masuk ke sekolah dasar.

2.      Pewawancara : Apa hubungan Manajemen Sekolah dengan Mutu Pendidikan?
Narasumber : Manajemen sekolah atau yang kami kenal dengan program kerja sekolah sudah diatur dari yayasan. Kita sudah diberi program dari yayasan untuk peningkatan mutu pendidikan. Istilah lainnya, sudah ada kisi-kisi dari yayasan dan tugas sekolah hanya menjalankan. Jadi jika program kerja itu dapat berjalan dengan baik maka mutu pendidikan di sekolah ini juga semakin meningkat.

3.      Pewawancara: Bagaimana manajemen sekolah berperan dalam pengembangan mutu pendidikan?
Narasumber: Para guru sering dikirim untuk ikut pelatihan sehingga dapat meningkatkan bekal guru untuk disampaikan kepada murid-murid. Sistem belajar-mengajarnya selalu mengikuti apa yang didapat dari pelatihan.

4.      Pewawancara : Apakah fungsi manajemen sekolah?
Narasumber : Di taman kanak-kanak manajemen sekolah lebih dikenal sebagai program kerja. Ada program kerja tahunan dan program kerja semester. Dari program tahunan dibuat ke semester kemudian dibuat lagi ke mingguan. Yang membuat program kerja tahunan adalah kepala taman kanak-kanak atau kepala yayasan, setelah menjadi program kerja semester kemudian diturunkan kepada guru. Dan para guru yang bertanggung jawab dan melaksanakan program kerja tersebut.

5.      Pewawancara : Apabila program kerja tersebut belum berjalan dengan baik, apa yang akan dilakukan?
Narasumber : Program tahunan tersebut setiap tahun diganti, apabila salah satu program tahunan  tersebut ada yang belum terpenuhi di tahun tersebut maka kita akan melaksanakan program kerja tahunan yang selanjutnya tetapi yang harus dilaksanakan terlebih dahulu adalah program kerja di tahun tersebut.

6.      Pewawancara : Menurut Anda bagaimana mutu pendidikan di sekolah ini?
Narasumber : Kita sudah mendapatkan akreditasi A+ dan kita akan berusaha mempertahankan akreditasi tersebut. Pada tahun 2013 akan ada akreditasi kembali dan kita sudah mempersiapkan untuk hal tersebut agar bisa mendapat akreditasi A lagi.
Kesimpulan :
Dari hasil wawancara yang kami lakukan menurut pendapat kami mutu pendidikan dan manajemen sekolah (program kerja) di Taman Kanak-kanak ......... sudah baik karena di sekolah tersebut sudah ada penambahan kegiatan ekstra kurikuler yang dapat meningkatkan kemampuan peserta didik. Guru-guru di sekolah tersebut juga sudah mengikuti pelatihan-pelatihan sehingga kualitas para guru semakin maju. Terbukti dari akreditasi yang dimiliki taman kanak-kanak tersebut.

Sama dengan kelompok 2 (peningkatan mutu pendidikan di sekolah PAUD) karena kami melakukan wawancara pada waktu, sekolah serta narasumber yang sama.

English Specific Purpose - English for Police

English Specific Purpose - English for Police
This paper aims to describe about English for the police. The content of this paper aims to describe about the the development of the English for Police course which can use in ESP class. This paper is organized into three sections. The first sections describe about investigating learner needs. The second section describes the course, the materials (a number of illustrations of the materials are given). The final section describes the particular difficulties and constraints.
Keywords : ESP, English for the Police

English for Specific Purposes (ESP) is known as a learner-centered approach in teaching English as a foreign or second language. It meets the needs of (mostly) adult learners who need to learn a foreign language for use in their specific fields, such as science, technology, medicine, leisure, and academic learning.
The purpose of this paper to learn about English for the police. As a police officer you have one of the most important jobs in the world: to serve and protect the people. While you are fighting crime and handling emergencies you probably come across many English speakers. Some may commit crimes, while others may be victims of crime. In both cases, you need to ask and answer questions in English. Your job may also require you to speak to English witnesses. Time can be a key factor in solving a crime or saving a life. You cannot always wait for an interpreter. These pages will help you learn vocabulary and phrases that will be useful when you encounter English speakers.

II.                DISCUSSION
A.    Investigating of Needs
The course developers set about investigating needs on the Police College and the Central Police Station in the city. On a visit to the Police College they were able to observe a writing class and sessions in which recruits gave presentations as part of their regular training. They were also able to analyse written texts supplied by the police and to talk to some of the sergeants who directly supervise the training of officers at the college. The course developers also went on ‘ride-alongs’ (car-based-patrol), often at night, with recently qualified ex-PRECEP members. Additionally, they carried out an assessment of the language proficiency of 14 potential participants (English as an Additional Language (EAL) members of PRECEP program) using standardized and self assessment instruments. They also conducted individual pilot assessments of these potential participants. Furthermore, police officers came to the course developers to explain the language problems or needs as they saw them and they also sent in many examples of written police work texts. From these multiple sources of information, the course developers found that potential participants had advanced to higher levels of spoken English with some control of advanced idiomatic language, but faced particular problems in pronunciation, especially when speaking under pressure. Their proficiency in writing was found to be lower than their proficiency in speaking and there was some evidence of difficulties with collocations and connotations (vocabulary) and selecting an appropriate register or style for the types of writing required.
The course developers were aware that further needs analysis would be needed to provide a fuller picture, and the report from the initial needs analysis described above identified three areas still to be investigated which included speaking situations – exchanges between police officers, exchanges between police officers and members of the public and giving evidence in court. A more detailed second needs analysis was conducted one year after the initial needs analysis. In light of the findings from this second needs analysis and the course developers’ increasing understanding of the situation derived from their ongoing contact with the police, three distinct sets of needs were identified. These were needs related to the language that police use ‘on the job’, needs related to the language the recruits require to ‘get through Police College’ and needs related to further academic and/or specialist training. An example of the latter is language needed for ‘legal 114’, the university law course the officers take during the two years they spend as probationary constables after graduating from Police College. This course requires advanced academic language skills. During this probationary period, the officers often select a specialist area (such as crime, traffic police and frontline policing) Each specialist area presents particular language-based demands. The description of the language needs written by the course developers. The description details police recruits’ ‘on the job’ language needsand highlights how these are different from their academic language needs

B.     Designing the course and materials

The course originally developed primarily targeted PRECEP officers and the needs of the first category that is, language use ‘on the job’. The course was developed with time constraints in mind: Not only would the course participants have very little time for language studies but they would also have to fit their language learning into busy schedules which might include night shifts. This meant that the course structure would need to be flexible and this requirement led to the development of a set of self-access, online lessons.
The self-access lessons contain tasks that require participants to conduct searches of the corpus and make observations of language use in it. These tasks focus on aspects of language that have been identified as language needs or difficulties. Materials for each lesson were reviewed and revised extensively. Having designed the materials, the teacher/course developer asked others at the Language school to review the materials: firstly the second teacher/course developer and then a pool of senior teachers. Feedback from others usually led to substantial revision. Once revised the material was trialled with the learners and then re-edited and modified.
Segments from one of the self-access, online lessons, this lesson focuses on language for describing suspects. The segments are concerned with describing hair and build and the order of elements in a description. As can be seen :
Task 5 :
Now you will look at expressions you can use to describe different aspects of appearance. The following tasks involve using the NZ Police Corpus. If you are not familiar with how to use this Corpus, then do the police lesson called ‘Using the NZ Police Corpus’ first. Then come back to this lesson. Look at these concordance lines below. Which word is missing?
Learning Point 3
Describing hair colour
blond or blonde’? There are two spellings for this word. Usually ‘blond’ is used for men and ‘blonde’ is used for women but as you can see from concordance lines 1 and 3 above, this is not always consistent.
brown’ – is not usually used in description of hair colour – but is used for the colour of a car. Try doing a search of the NZ Police Corpus for ‘brown and hair’ used together. There are lots more words to describe hair in the NZ Police Corpus. Try your own search and add to the table above.
Strategy Focus
Extend these tasks
When you are studying, you may decide that you need to go into more detailed research on a particular topic. For example, you may decide that you need more words to describe Caucasian hair. Here are some extension tasks that you can try:
1. There are lots more words to describe hair in the NZ Police Corpus. Try your own search and add to the table above.
2. Try a search in a General Corpus. See if any different words are used.
3. When you are at work and hear people giving descriptions, note down any different words they use and add them to your vocabulary notes.

Materials developed for the group classes allow for teacher-led discussion and pair and group work. This lesson focuses on interview planning and investigative interviewing techniques. It also involves a focus on language (cohesion) in the writing a summary of facts (type of written report).

C.    Responding to difficulties and constraints
There were some constraints on obtaining authentic spoken texts for the analysis of needs and specialist discourse. These constraints were due to the confidential nature of police spoken exchanges with suspects and members of the public. Creative solutions were devised by the course developers and included their use of television program, recording police on patrol and at work and the police in providing ‘mock’ interviews.
One difficulty in developing this course arose from the individual nature of the needs of the course participants. The course developers responded by developing self-access lessons (in which course participants select lessons to work on).

III.             CONCLUSION
This paper reported the development of the English for Police course. The first discussion about investigating of needs in English police. They  were needs related to the language that police use ‘on the job’, needs related to the language the recruits require to ‘get through Police College’ and needs related to further academic and/or specialist training. The second discussion about the course and material. The third discussion about Responding To Difficulties and Constraints, the difficulty in developing this course arose from the individual nature of the needs of the course participants. And the constraints were due to the confidential nature of police spoken exchanges with suspects and members of the public.

Basturkmen, Helen. (2010). Developing Courses in English for Specific Purposes. University of Auckland, New Zealand accessed on 12 Desember 2014, at 8.15 p.m.